Maple Hill Early Learning Center

1572 Lonsdale Avenue Lincoln RI 02865
Phone: 401 475 6644 Fax: 401 475 6645


Behavior Management Policy

Maple Hill has developed its behavior policy based in accordance with state regulations. It is important to remember that every behavior situation is different depending on the circumstances. A teacher decides how to handle a situation based on her knowledge of the child as well as her sense of what is going on. We refrain from judging children and at all times are sure we are making the distinction that it is the behavior we dislike not the child. We will use phrases such as “right choice”, “wrong choice” and “unsafe choice” instead of good, bad or naughty. Teachers will explain their reasoning when discussing behaviors with a child. For example, if a child hits another child the teacher may say, “When you hit, it hurts people.” Teachers help children identify their emotions and ways to express them. For example,”It looks like your angry at Johnny, can you use words to tell him how you feel?”

Children will never be made to apologize. Instead they will be encouraged to help the child they hurt or repair the damage they have made.

Clear limits and rules are set that the children understand and contribute to.

Expectations of children will be developmentally appropriate and vary with the needs of each child.

Redirection will be used to move a child away from an inappropriate action. The focus will be on what the child can do rather than what they cannot. For example, “Dave, you are not being safe with the wooden blocks. Let’s find you another area to play in.

Relaxing time is used when redirection has not helped or if a child has endangered himself or herself or another child. Relaxing time is just what it seems, a time for your child to calm down and discuss the situation with their teacher. Often children’s emotions run high during these times and sitting away from the other children gives them the space, time and privacy to move on from the situation. This is not intended to humiliate your child and is done discretely as possible. The teacher may suggest an area or the child may choose his or her own space. If a child is very upset and cannot calm down showing such behavior as screaming, showing aggression towards other children or staff, or attempting to hurt themselves, they will be removed from the classroom. They will be brought to the director’s office with a staff member until they are feeling better. The child will be brought back to the classroom as soon as possible. If a child cannot calm down within a reasonable amount of time, a parent will be called to pick up the child. A conference must be held between the director and the child’s parent before the child may return to the center.

Corporal punishment, humiliation or verbal abuse will never be used. Children will not be deprived of food as a form of punishment. Children will never be punished for soiling or wetting their clothing.

All classrooms will use the I Care Cat curriculum as a behavior management tool.

2005 Maple Hill ELC - WebMaster: RE Williams Communications (JPS)