Maple Hill Early Learning Center

1572 Lonsdale Avenue Lincoln RI 02865
Phone: 401 475 6644 Fax: 401 475 6645


Illnesses, Injury Reports, Medication

You should keep your child home if he/she has a contagious disease, fever or has had one during the last 24 hours, diarrhea, vomiting, infectious or unknown rash or persistent cough. If your child has a cold or allergies they may attend school unless they have excessive nasal discharge or if he/she is not able to participate in classroom activities. If your child becomes ill while at the center, we will contact you to pick them up. If we are unable to reach you we will begin calling the people listed as emergency contacts. While waiting for you to arrive, your child will be resting as comfortably as possible in a quiet space away from the other children. Please notify the center if your child has a communicable disease and the center will notify you if your child has been exposed to such a disease.

All Maple Hill staff is trained in first aid and CPR. In the event your child has a minor injury at the center, they will be treated and a written report will be filled out. We will ask you to sign this report when you pick up your child. You will be given a copy and a copy will be kept in your child’s file. In the event your child has an accident, which requires medical attention (but not an emergency) you will be notified to pick up your child.

Medication should be given at home whenever possible. In the event that your child needs medication while at the center please follow this procedure.

2005 Maple Hill ELC - WebMaster: RE Williams Communications (JPS)