Maple Hill Early Learning Center

1572 Lonsdale Avenue Lincoln RI 02865
Phone: 401 475 6644 Fax: 401 475 6645


Snacks And Lunch

Maple Hill provides a mid morning and mid afternoon snack in both its full and part day programs. This snack may include pretzels, gold fish, trail mix, crackers, fruit or a treat the children baked themselves. We will serve cold water with morning snack and juice with afternoon snack. Water is a very important component of a child’s diet that often is overlooked. Water will also be available to the children throughout the day.

The center will provide milk with lunch. Parents should pack their child’s lunch. The following are the nutritional guidelines for a child between 3 and 6 years of age as determined by the Bureau of Nutrition.

Protein 1.5 0z. (beef, chicken, fish, cheese, egg, yogurt, peanut butter [3 Tbs.] )

Vegetable/Fruit ½ cup

Bread/Grain ½ slice or equivalent (bread, crackers, pasta, rice cakes, muffins, etc.)

2005 Maple Hill ELC - WebMaster: RE Williams Communications (JPS)